Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Reverse Culture Shock

One thing that I have really noticed on this visit to South Carolina is the number of multicultural families. There was the white widow with the daughters adopted from China at my parents' church; the white foster mamas with the African-American foster babies (one born at 26 weeks, just like my kids) and the Mexican-American foster son at the table next to ours in the restaurant; and all of the rainbow colored families we saw at the children's museum yesterday. I don't remember South Carolina being so multi-culti in my youth. There weren't too many mixed race couples in high school or college, and certainly there were no signs around in Spanish, no refugees from Somalia and Sudan. If it was at all possible to get my husband to leave Japan, this might actually be a nice place to raise my hapa kids.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's something I've noticed around where we live, too. It never much occurred to me to be on the lookout for other multiracial families before my own happened, but now that I'm looking I seem to see them everywhere. Well...depending on the neighborhood, anyway.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's the whole US.

3:49 AM  

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